Northeast Region, District #2
As the IES’s first section, the Boston Section has a rich history with a distinguished membership, including several society past presidents. We benefit from the diversity of many colleges & universities, industry manufacturers, equipment representatives & distributors, and a large design community. Like most IES Sections, our main focus is to host regular monthly meetings with the intent to share knowledge related to the practice of lighting as well as connect with area professionals. Our members are made up of architects, engineers, lighting designers, manufacturers, manufacturers representatives, and distributors all bringing a different perspective to our section.
Our monthly presentations touch on the many facets of lighting, design practice, and its impact on the built environment, including technology, application, quality, environmental impact, and human health. We regularly organize a golf outing as a fund raiser for student scholarships in lighting education and we recognize the regions best lighting designs at our annual Illumination Awards (formally IIDA) banquet at the end of the year. We are also fortunate to be situated near several other vibrant IES sections offering great programs and you can browse these sections by visiting the IES National Website.
You do not need to be an IES member to attend these meetings but there are many benefits to membership. Visit our membership page if you wish to learn more about membership or would like to become a member. We welcome your input regarding meeting topics, feedback on past meetings or wish to become more actively involved with the New England Section. Please feel free to contact the section president or any of the officers.